Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dallas Starr Bright. friends to tell over again. We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.


We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

 Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family affairs, Dick Jarrot, Dallas Starr Bright. friends to tell over again. We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter. Within us our D.N.A programs us so we live as a individual with different values and dreams and with unique thought processes. Once your body joins back with Mother Earth and your spirit is released than this individual programming disappears and we all become one again with the spirit source. Truly our spirit is who we really are and our body is the temporary computer that helps you cope and survive in this physical reality.

We can be fooled to think this programming by our DNA that gives our brain the information is who we truly are but we are the divine consciousness of our soul. We fear death because that is what is programmed in us, our logic, our survival instinct and all our physical desires come from the programming within our brain. When we can start to soar above our physical programming and for periods of time let our heart instead of our brain be our guide and speak to us, will our fears, our logic that will doubt and block spiritual enlightenment, and our negative physical desires will no longer be able to control our lives anymore.

Ekosi.The Army We Don’t See. Andrea Mazzarino,"I concur, water is the fix, but that would not make enough money. So they sell pills, and more pills, for the fix that cost a lot of $$$$S. REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF THE AGREEMENT. Hello, Information? Yes, was hoping you could tell me where I could find my sanity???Red Dates, changes to the event, tomorrow, on the 12th, just to let you know, have to tell the others, fun and games, good times, family affairs, Dick Jarrot, Dallas Starr Bright. friends to tell over again. We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

Maya Dsilva: thanks so much, going out in other places, cheers and chaps, doing a great job, a great services,
Maya Dsilva: thanks so much, going out in other places, cheers and chaps, doing a great job, a great services,
Days of peace and love, hate and love, living large, joys and pleasures, time to spare. Tips and tales, to rock with you, songs of Michael...

Ms.411: Free, Hits. Forever. Maxmore, Joy.Daily Cash. Dallas Starr Bright. friends to tell over again. We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

 In like Flynn,Times on the cross, trips to hell and back, free rides. Hope in colors, hope floating all the time, hopes and prayers, searching for places to land.Dallas Starr Bright. friends to tell over again. We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

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